Turn your app ideas into cash with Huawei’s AppsUp contest

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Just about everyone has had an idea for an app at one point or another. The tough part is figuring out a way to turn that idea into reality, and better yet — money. It’s time to get your coding fingers ready because Huawei’s new AppsUp competition offers the chance to bring your idea to life.

From now through August 30, you can register for the competition and dive into Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) to craft your app. The goal of the competition is to bring new and existing developers to light and give the best ideas a chance to shine with five regional contests.

Huawei will then take the top 20 ideas from each region and bring them to the AppGallery for public voting. The best and brightest ideas and developers will have a chance to compete in the final portion of the competition with a total of $1 million on the line.

Top prizes in each category will earn $15,000 with further awards honoring the best apps, games, and social impact projects. Overall, Huawei has set aside $1 million in prize money, with $200,000 going to the winners in each region.

huawei appsup medals

Credit: Huawei

Your brilliant creation doesn’t just net you a lump sum of cash — although that’s a nice start. Huawei will promote top creations on its AppGallery, offering exposure to millions of devices around the world.

Winners will even have the opportunity to work with Huawei in the future through developer conferences, investments, and more.

The AppsUp competition is the perfect opportunity to show off the ideas you already have while gaining valuable exposure to the very leaders who will be judging you. Each region will be judged by a panel of industry experts, venture capital company representatives, and Huawei heavyweights.

Entering the competition is a breeze too. All you have to do is head to the AppsUp page for your region and hit the Sign Up Now button. If your team is overflowing with great ideas, you can enter up to five separate creations for consideration. Just make sure that your entry reflects the use of the HMS platform before you hit submit.

If you’re new to the HMS platform, Huawei has some resources that you might find helpful. Check them out with this link before you get started.

Many app developers get into the game because they enjoy problem-solving or making their own games. One thing that often doesn’t enter their minds until far too late is the difficulty in actually getting your app seen. The most popular apps are not always the best apps, but they rose to prominence because they nailed the rollout process.

Huawei’s AppsUp competition aims to give such developers a leg up by throwing a spotlight on rising talent, creative innovators, and under-recognized developers so that their brilliance doesn’t languish in obscurity. For this reason, investors have a keen eye on this competition, eager to give promising candidates the resources they need to achieve success.

huawei appsup timeline

Credit: Huawei

Registration and submissions are currently open and will remain so until August 30. Preliminary judgment will begin thereafter and continue until September 20. From there, it’s off to the public unveiling of contestants, with finals being held in each region during October.

Competitive regions will be organized into the following categories with over 170 eligible countries:

  • Europe (includes USA, New Zealand, Australia, and others)
  • Asia Pacific
  • The Middle East and Africa
  • Latin America
  • China

All finalists will be judged by veterans of the industry ranging from tech CEOs to prominent figures in the gaming industry including Renee Gittins, the executive director of the International Game Developer Association; Jonathan Othelius, SQUID app’s CEO and founder; and Maria Benjumea, CEO and Founder of SouthSummit. Investors from Northzone and Daphni will also be present as judges.

huawei appsup judges

Credit: Huawei

More than just judging, the event will also give competitors the opportunity to mix and mingle with these high-profile figures. Huawei will be providing hands-on training and AMAs with prominent investors.

If you’ve got an app or game currently in development or sitting in your idea box, now could be your time to snag the spotlight it needs for launch. Click the button below to head on over to the AppsUp landing page and get your app registered!

Register for appsup